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Committed to providing cost-effective, reliable, and high quality sewer services for the Gallatin Canyon. 
News & Announcements

Board Member Elections

Four board seats are up for election in May 2025. Forms needed for candidacy can be found here:

Water Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) 

The GCCWSD Board is currently preparing a Water PER to evaluate existing private water system infrastructure, community needs, and potential for comprehensive water solutions. This PER will become a planning document that can be used to apply for public funding if the GCCWSD chooses to pursue a centralized system. A special board meeting was held on May 30th, 2024, to provide an overview of current findings and to gather public feedback for incorporation into the report. A second water PER-focused meeting will be held later this summer to present the recommended design and proposed next steps as well as gather further public input. 

Annexation Notice 

Ordinance 2024-1, annexing 25 properties to the district is in effect, as of May 9th, 2024.

Ordinance 2024-2, annexing 4 properties to the district is in effect, as of July 1st, 2024.

Click here to visit the Annexation page to learn more.


Annexation Information 

Project engineering and permitting has commenced with the target of starting construction in 
2026. Our near-term priority is to identify landowners interested in joining the Canyon District and 
answer questions about the annexation process.


Learn more about the annexation process and how to submit a Petition to Annex here. 

Meetings & Agendas

Meetings are held at the Big Sky County Water Sewer District (BSCWSD) Board Room &/or via Zoom
Location: 561 Little Coyote Rd, Big Sky, MT

Preview upcoming meeting agendas and past meeting minutes here.


Project Overview

The Gallatin Canyon County Water and Sewer District (GCCWSD) proposes nearly five miles of sewer collection main along Highway 191 and throughout the Canyon Area corridor. Wastewater would be collected and conveyed largely by gravity to a lift station, where it would be treated at the soon-to-be upgraded Membrane Bioreactor facility. Treated effluent would be conveyed by gravity back to the Canyon Area for disposal via groundwater infiltration or as irrigation reuse. The disposal and reuse main would extend along the entire corridor to facilitate disposal at several locations, while also serving as potential irrigation water for existing and future development. 

Details about the proposed project can be found in the Preliminary Engineering Report.

2024-10-22_Canyon Sewer Project Map_small.png
Fundamental Needs
  • Infrastructure to support workforce housing that is currently extremely lacking.

  • Retiring septic systems that present notable human health risks and detrimental nutrient loading to the Gallatin River.

  • Addressing current disposal limitations and operational risks associated with lack of disposal redundancy.


Provide central sewer to the Gallatin Canyon corridor in order to protect the Gallatin River water quality and public health by reducing septic wastewater loading to the aquifer while facilitating higher density workforce housing and reducing resource intensive sprawl.

  • June 2019 – $12 Million BSRAD Funding

  • May 2020 – Feasibility Study

  • July 2020 – 1% for Infrastructure

  • Dec. 2020 – District formed

  • July 2021 – PER & ARPA Funding

  • Sept. 2021 – $2M ARPA Grant

  • Oct. 2021 – $750K ARPA Grant

  • Apr./May 2022 – ARPA, RRGL and MCEP grant applications and MCEP Environmental Assessment

  • 2022 to 2026 Outreach, phasing plans, permitting, design, and construction

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